Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The tooth has landed!

Louis' first tooth has come through! And on which day do you think this happened? Yep, the same day as he got his 15 month shots... Poor wee guy. Bit of a rough day yesterday.

The injections were rough: one in each thigh and then one in his shoulder, just under his skin, slow and torturous... He cried and screamed and tried to climb out of my arms. Fair enough, really.

Perked up with a few cheerios and a rollercoaster/shoulder ride on Luuk en route back to the car. Played at the preschool playground at the mall while we had lunch - back to his happy self. Amazing.

Slept in the car on the way to Nana's but, of course, woke up when we got there and then he was miserable. After nearly an hour of crying, Luuk went and got some pamol, and eventually he calmed down. His gums looked so sore and bruised. Felt so bad for the wee man. Horrible day.

But this morning, after breakfast, he was watching his cousins (watching Elmo), and I gawked curiously into his mouth... and there it was, a little bit of tooth. Voila!

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