Saturday, January 21, 2012

Our journey so far

We left Christchurch yesterday, but it feels like it's been longer than that. We drove north along State Highway one, with an angelic sleeping baby, until Cheviot... and Louis woke up. Too soon! Poor little guy was a total misery guts until Kaikoura. He enjoyed the primary school playground there, mostly because it has stones rather than bark, and he just adores stones.

We were on a strict time frame, ferry to catch and all that, so continued on, to Louis' great dismay. Fortunately he nodded off again some time later and only woke up just before we arrived in Picton. Our itinerary said 'final check in' was at 1.25. It lied! Loads of people arrived after us, and we were 2 minutes late, thanks to the misleading signposting that I'm hoping some poor sob in Picton gets a kick out of.

I was glad to see the crossing conditions were meant to be 'calm'. I sometimes get a bit of motion sickness but was fine this time. Just sleepy. Pregnancy is bloody exhausting.

Louis loved being on the deck, looking out at the strait, wind and ocean spray in his face...


We spent a lovely evening in Wellington with my cousin, her husband, and their son, who is a little bit older than Louis - hilarious bath times, delish(!) dinner and a good night's sleep. Headed out pretty early this morning (early for a saturday at least) and made good time. Louis slept till just before Taihape, where we stopped for lunch at what was rumoured to be the best KFC in the country. Couldn't tell you if the food was markedly better than elsewhere but the service was fantastic. Then we went scouting for a playground...

What a brave wee man. Adrenaline junkie in the making... yes, it worries me a little. Un peu. (Better?)

Next stop was Waiuru, mainly for the photo ops...

Riding on a 'small' tank...? (above)

Riding the bigger tank (above and below)

Here comes the tank.

Apologies for the self-take but it had to be done.

Somehow, heaven knows, Louis stayed awake and happy for most of the rest of the way. Had a wink of sleep before we swapped drivers, which of course woke him up, and then he wouldn't go back to sleep, despite bottles of milk and bed-time toys being thrust at him. Gave up half an hour from our destination and plied him with a different toy every few minutes until we arrived (when he was quite contentedly playing with the stereo remote - should have tried that earlier). The cousins arrived a few minutes later! Timing, people. Tres bien!

After dinner, the filthy kids had a bath together. Oh joy of joys.

These joyous spongey things were added to the mix and Briar gave up on the game, escaping with her gorgeous dry hair barely damped. Louis and Xanthe, on the other hand, couldn't get enough of the splashing and spraying.

Sorry it's long. Feel free to stop watching. There's no great punch-line at the end. I just can't be bothered editing video with a tracker-pad, on a laptop, after a nearly-nine-hour road trip.

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