Luuk left this morning on his first work trip – to Germany for three days fixing some hospital's network issues. Before he went off to save the day though, we had a lovely weekend in and around Antony.
Saturday morning, went for a walk to get some supplies, and stopped at this merry-go-round which is nestled back just off main street beside the theatre and fish market (of course).
Lunch and afternoon naps were next on the agenda - one as essential as the other, frankly - and then we went on a little shopping trip for art supplies and some shoes/clothes for Luuk. He's worn out his favourites and it was well time to restock... 3 pairs of jeans and shoes for both of us later, we returned home later than intended, glad to have a frozen pizza ready to cook for dinner.
Sunday we finally made it to two destinations we've been meaning to reach for weeks - the Parc de Sceaux and church!
One of numerous tree-lined avenues within the Parc de Sceaux (pron. sko, rhymes with co.)
Getting Louis rugged-up against the chill (and because he has a cold). Rustic not-quite-ruins in the background. Very nice.
We walked... and walked... and I felt very pregnant. But it kept us warm.
We're walking, we're walking...
key vocab - glace=ice.
Yeah. No kidding.
There were a few stairs, but thanks to all the cyclists who came before... I didn't have to hold up my end of the push chair on this lot.
Manicured gardens a-plenty!
The fountains will come to life in a few weeks, and the trees will blossom. By summer it'll all be transformed, I suspect.
One of numerous statues. This one caught me eye though.
Afternoon tea at the cafe near the Musee Ile de France (which I have not shown because it's covered in scaffolding and not looking its best). For Louis: donutty thing. For me: crepe! and Coffee. Luuk had a fantastic chocolat chaud. All very delish. Had to rush on unfortunately, because the wee man was not content to fill the buggy basket with stones, he wanted to play with the cigarette butts.
But the donut was good while it lasted. Sketchers advert much?
Church was in the evening and we all really enjoyed it. Next sunday there's a kids program so Louis won't be roaming the aisles, pilfering from purses and whatnot. Everyone was super friendly and I'm enough of a Vicar of Dibley fan that the lady vicar alone would have probably had me sold. It's a bit of trek from where we're living, unfortunately, but we've been a bit spoilt in that regard.
Louis is up and we have some shopping to do before it gets colder and dark. Wind is pretty fierce out there at the moment. Hopefully we won't be blown away :)
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