Thursday, February 16, 2012

banque-ing and sketching

We have a bank account! Hurrah. Steps in the right direction have been taken! Went to the first 'orange' (biggest cell network around here) shop we found after opening our banque account... but still lack one of the necessary bits/bobs to get a phone contract... no bank card yet. They're posting it to us. It'll arrive in a week.

And then I'll get a phone.

It's a good thing I'm not overly in love with gadgets and constant connection.

Louis and the lovely ladies from Luuk's work who've been helping us get all set up. At the banque.

So that's the good news. In fact, that's the fantastic news. Bank account is sorted. Yippee!

The bad news: Louis seems to have got my cold. Poor wee trooper is sneezy and snotty, and kept waking up in the night. 

So it'll be an at-home-where-it's-warm day today. I'm not ashamed to say I'll be relying on the tv for some sanity - I know, that just doesn't sound right does it? But hopefully Louis sleeps lots and I can plod on with some writing, or maybe I'll just read. I've already done my bit of something artistic for art-thursday: a sketch of how I'd like to spend my day...

And now I might just go do that.

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