I'm not procrastinating. I swear it. I am designing the house that my main character inherits and moves into. It is an important setting in the story and I need to get it straight in my head... and so I've spent the entire morning (between serious nose-blowing) designing a freakin' huge mansion and wondering what they need all that room for?? (THEY being people who own/build mansions)
There are a lot of bedrooms, and 'parlours', 'sitting rooms', even a nursery and school room (with a model train set. Nice.)
Used a website to make the floor plans and now I'm going to draw all over them because doing it on the computer takes forever and it feels like a bit of a waste of time.
Next job: plotting the story. Then I can get back to writing :)
And then it will be November and time to nanowrimo. I think I'm going to write a frivolous little romance in November and then go back to this, slightly more serious, venture after November. Which means I have to plan my nanowrimo novel this month too. More house designing? Perhaps. But no mansions. The heroine of that novel is going to live in a tiny little two room cottage. She's a cake decorator whose business is just taking off. Maybe she'll finally splurge on a commercial space and live in the studio apartment above her shop. Ooh, I like it!
Back to work.
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